
The Leandro Comprehensive Remedial Plan

The Leandro Plan is a non-partisan, research-based, community-informed set of policies and investments for modernizing our public schools and improving access to early education and K-12 programs and services. There are several ways the Leandro Plan benefits early learners, including:

1) Expanding the NC Pre-K program to make high-quality, full-year services available to all eligible four-year-old children
2) Eliminating the wait list for child care subsidy
3) Expanding Family Connects nurse home visit program
4) Expanding the NC Infant Toddler Program for students with disabilities
5) Improving transitions to school by investing in support personnel and data systems
6) Expanding funding for Smart Start
7) Improving pay for the early childhood educator workforce

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Fast Facts

Relevant Actions
State or Local? State
Lead Agency Every Child NC
Type of Agency

Community/Family-Led Group

Racial Equity Lens
  • The Plan was not created with an explicit racial equity lens, but the Plan will disproportionately benefit students of color.
  • If the Plan is implemented with fidelity, then ongoing monitoring of the Plan will include representation from communities that have been most negatively impacted by the State’s historic failure to provide constitutional public schools, including students of color, multilingual learners, rural students, and students with disabilities.
Community Voice
  • The coordinating committee of Every Child NC is comprised of a majority of organizations led by people of color. These advocates are committed to ensuring that Leandro is implemented with fidelity to ensure it benefits the communities that have paid the highest cost from the state’s historic failure to provide all students with access to constitutional schools.
  • In November 2022, the Supreme Court ordered the full funding of years 2 and 3 of the Leandro Plan. This includes $80.4 million for early education initiatives.
Next Steps
  • Ensure the State transfers amounts owed to students for years 2 and 3 of the Leandro Plan
  • Ensure the General Assembly passes a budget fully funding years 4 and 5 of the Leandro Plan
Primary Partners
  • North Carolina General Assembly
  • The Governor
Primary Funders
  • North Carolina General Assembly
Contact Kris Nordstrom

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