Learning With and From Child Care and Preschool Providers to Improve Outcomes for Children At-Risk of Suspension and Expulsion
Moving Upstream to Prevention: The Underlying Role of ACEs and Trauma in Children’s Dysregulated Behaviors
This brief looks upstream at how adverse childhood experiences (also known as ACEs) find expression in child behavior and contribute to exclusionary discipline. Understanding ACEs and children’s response can help early childhood professionals recognize sources of trauma, and ensure that children and their families connect with appropriate interventions. When young children and their families receive the care and support they need, they can overcome the impacts of exposure to ACEs, building their resilience and well-being for the long term.
Action 4.9: Include At-Risk Children in Early Intervention
Action 4.7: Use Data to Track Community Needs and Service Provision
Action 2.3: Expand Maternal Depression Screening and Treatment
Action 2.2: Invest in Two-Generation Interventions
Action 2.1: Screen Children & Families for Social Determinants of Health and Connect them to Appropriate Services
Pathways Toolkit Part 5: Medicaid is a Powerful Tool to Improve Outcomes for Young Children and Their Families
Here is the fifth of our five-part Pathways to Grade-Level Reading Policy and Practice Action Toolkit to provide guidance for how policymakers, advocates, community non-profits, the business community, and other stakeholders can support the well-being of all NC children. This toolkit also highlights organizations and initiatives across the state that are already taking action to move the needle forward.
Beyond Suspensions and Expulsions: Reducing Disproportionality in Exclusion Through Everyday Practices
2024 Summer Learning Toolkit
Leap into Summer Learning with the 2024 Summer Learning Toolkit! The easy-to-use toolkit will help you plan for a inspiring summer learning activities and effectively communicate the importance of summer learning with families.