
The Family Place

The Family Place exists to support families in Transylvania County by providing learning experiences within the family environment, the community, and among peers. Through positive parenting education and adult/child interactive opportunities, we provide resources to help families grow and strengthen relationships, encourage nurturing and emotional support within the home, and assist the development of social and emotional health. 

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Fast Facts

Relevant Actions
State or Local? Local
Lead Agency The Family Place
Type of Agency


  • 0-6 increase parental resilience and access to resources
  • Youth Mental Health initiative through TCSTRONG
Next Steps
  • TCSTRONG: Continue to increase reach to teens and parents of teens in order to reduce the stigma around mental health.
  • CONNECT: Assess families needs and provide access to community resources to strengthen households and keep children safe.
  • Circle of Parents groups
  • Circle of Security groups
Primary Partners
  • TC Library
  • Children’s Center
Primary Funders
  • DHHS
  • WNC Bridge foundation
  • Governors Crime Commission
  • St. Phillips
  • The Community Foundation
Contact Denise Gonzalez

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