We are proud to be partnering with BabyTalk! Since 2011, thousands of early learning professionals from around the world have looked to BabyTalk to inform their work. The brain child of national consultant Camille Catlett, BabyTalk provides high quality, free resources, including resources available in Spanish. Our partnership is made possible with support from the National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers.

Why focus on babies? NCECF’s vision is that each North Carolina child has a strong foundation for lifelong health, education and well-being supported by a premier birth-to-age-eight system. To get there, we must include an intentional focus on the beginning part of this spectrum – our infants and toddlers. A baby’s earliest experiences are built into her body, shaping brain architecture and creating the foundation for future learning and health. Everything a child experiences from birth impacts that child’s ability to fulfill his or her potential. In the words of Harvard University pediatrician Jack Shonkoff, “Brains are built, not born.” 

2019 Issues

2018 Issues

2017 Issues