
Resilient NC

Resilient NC is a collaboration of leaders across North Carolina that informed the development of a set of eight initial strategies recommended for supporting statewide efforts to build community resilience. One of the core strategies identified is the building and facilitation of cross-sector partnerships centering family voice. This includes developing a mechanism for quarterly scans of resiliency initiatives across sectors, with particular attention to initiatives that embody the core principles of being science-based, trauma-responsive, and equity focused. Regular scanning of initiatives across the state can assist in building greater awareness and linkages across programs. Two additional strategies include an expanded public awareness effort, and expanded training and technical assistance, that builds capacity to provide trauma-informed, resilience-focused approaches to care. These mechanisms will include a focus on the screening and assessment best practices, referral connections, as well as capacity for mental health providers to be better equipped to deliver evidence-based treatments for children and families.

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Fast Facts

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State or Local? State
CountiesAll Counties
Lead Agency Kellin Foundation
Type of Agency


Racial Equity Lens
  • Interview questions and discussion with initiative leaders were specifically focused on racial equity applicability.
  • Core recommendations encourage a racial-equity focus, including ensuring that reparative structures are in place to that focus on building strategies that specifically including a focus on reducing disparities.
  • Initiatives highlighted give examples of how racial equity was a focus in implementation.
Community Voice
  • Interview question and discussion with initiative leaders were specifically focused on integration of family voice.
  • Core recommendations center family voice by encouraging all initiatives to have strong representation from families who are impacted by the work to ensure that the initiatives will be built and implemented around a family-centered approach .
  • Initiatives highlighted give examples of how family voice was a focus in implementation.
  • Contributing to the NC Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Informed Courts Task Force led by Chief Justice Paul Newby
  • Nationally presented and utilized at the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice
  • Assisting with driving a statewide plan to build resilience across NC
Next Steps
  • Build action teams composed of initiative leaders, families, community members, and any other interested party to implement eight core recommendations
  • Continue to spread awareness and disseminate information about community resilience, the strategies identified and recommended, the initiatives happening across NC, and resources available that can help continue to support a statewide approach to building resilience in NC
Primary Partners
  • NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Duke Center for Child and Family Health
  • North Carolina Partnership for Children
Primary Funders

Winer Family Foundation


Contact Dr. Kelly Graves

Active Counties