NCECF releases its 2023 Impact Report
By Marian Earls and Devonya Govan-Hunt
We are proud to present the North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation’s Impact Report for the year 2023. Your partnership and support have empowered us to make significant strides toward our vision that each North Carolina child has a strong foundation for life-long health, education, and well-being, supported by a comprehensive and equitable care and education system, from prenatal through third grade.
Read the 2023 Impact Report here
Make a donation to support NC Early Childhood Foundation’s impact in 2024
In 2023, we celebrated our tenth anniversary, looking back at some impressive accomplishments in our roles as conveners and collaborators for early childhood policy. We also bid a fond and grateful farewell to our previous Executive Director, Muffy Grant. Muffy joined NCECF in 2019, just in time to weather a global pandemic that reshaped all our lives, not least the world of early care and education. Muffy led with grace and kindness throughout, growing NCECF’s team and our impact on early childhood systems during her tenure here.
As we look forward to welcoming NCECF’s next Executive Director Theresa Roedersheimer, we also look forward to the next ten years and a renewed focus on how the NC Early Childhood Foundation can have the greatest possible impact on young children and their families in our state. Thank you for traveling alongside us on a journey toward a future where North Carolina’s great people, ideas, and achievements are deployed to bring about equitable access to opportunity and success for every child.