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Strengthen the Capacity of Early Care and Learning Educators to Eliminate Exclusion

date_range 2024
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Research-based policies, practices and programs
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file Programs that Impact the Pathways Measures of Success

This policy brief focuses on how a child’s response to previous trauma and nonverbal behavior is often the underlying cause of their punishment and expulsion - and how to support early educators to better respond to challenging behaviors.

Strengthening Policy & Practice Guidelines for Preventing Exclusionary Discipline

date_range 2023
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Research-based policies, practices and programs
attach_file Local Policy and Practice

This policy brief focuses on how understanding evidence-based principles that guide best practices for the social and emotional development of preschoolers can guide policy-makers to effectively set expectations for early educators to use developmentally appropriate responses with young children who exhibit challenging behaviors.

CandL Listening Session Analysis

date_range 2023
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Care and Learning (CandL)
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Research-based policies, practices and programs
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file Programs that Impact the Pathways Measures of Success
attach_file Supports for Families


2021 Impact Report

date_range 2021
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Family Forward NC
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline Racial Equity
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file Social-Emotional Health
attach_file Supports for Families

We proudly share our 2021 Impact Report, Responsive to the Evolving Experiences & Needs of Children & Families and the Systems that Serve Them. Throughout the year, time and again state and local people came together across disciplines, sectors, systems, and political identities for one purpose—to do what is needed to ensure equitable access to opportunity and success for every child by the end of third grade.

Pathways Action Map

library_books Data tool
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file Programs that Impact the Pathways Measures of Success
attach_file State Policy and Practice

The Pathways Action Map provides a snapshot of what's happening across NC in over 40 prioritized actions that can help move the needle on third grade reading proficiency. It provides summaries of various NC initiatives that are leading in the action areas.

NC Early Childhood Data Sources

date_range 2021
library_books Data tool
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline NC Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline Every Student Succeeds Act
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Healthy Birthweight
attach_file Social-Emotional Health
attach_file Physical Health
attach_file Early Intervention Policy
attach_file Parent-Child Interactions
attach_file Reading with Children
attach_file Supports for Families
attach_file Safe at Home
attach_file Regular School Attendance
attach_file Promotion to Next Grade
attach_file Summer Learning
attach_file State Policy and Practice
attach_file Local Policy and Practice

2-page fact sheet with recommended sources for data on NC young children and families

Local Coordination and Collaboration through ESSA: A Multi-Year Evaluation

date_range 2021
library_books Report/Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
lightbulb_outline Every Student Succeeds Act
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file National Research and Policy
attach_file State Policy and Practice

This evaluation outlines the impact of two years of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) work (2017-2019), lessons learned, and recommendations for future work.

Pathways Data Dashboard

date_range 2020
library_books Data tool
lightbulb_outline Every Student Succeeds Act
lightbulb_outline NC Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline Think Babies™ NC
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file Healthy Birthweight
attach_file Social-Emotional Health
attach_file Physical Health
attach_file Early Intervention Policy
attach_file Knowledgeable Parents
attach_file Parent-Child Interactions
attach_file Reading with Children
attach_file Supports for Families
attach_file Safe at Home
attach_file Regular School Attendance
attach_file Promotion to Next Grade
attach_file Summer Learning
attach_file State Policy and Practice

The Pathways Data Dashboard includes North Carolina data on more than 60 measures of child development that research shows influence third-grade reading scores. Whenever possible, the dashboard presents data at the state level, compared to national averages; at the county or school district level; by race and ethnicity; by income; by age; and over several years

The Pathways Data Dashboard supports a statewide effort to improve the collection, analysis and use of early childhood data in NC for young children, birth to age eight. It can be used by state and local policymakers, government agencies, community service providers, child advocacy organizations, Smart Start partnerships, Campaign for Grade-Level Reading communities and others to make data-informed decisions about investments in early childhood and changes to policies and practices that affect young children and their families

State Consultant ESSA Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

date_range 2020
library_books Presentation
lightbulb_outline Every Student Succeeds Act
attach_file High Quality Early Care and Education
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file State Policy and Practice

Pathways Presentation at Forsyth Promise

date_range 2020
library_books Presentation
lightbulb_outline Pathways to Grade-Level Reading
lightbulb_outline NC Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
attach_file Local Policy and Practice
attach_file State Policy and Practice

Pathways Presentation at the Forsyth Promise B-3rd Early Learning Network Quarterly Meeting