Conversations with Advocates of Color and Allies on Maternal, Infant, and Toddler Health: Perspectives from Louisiana, North Carolina, and Texas
“Conversations with Advocates of Color and Allies on Maternal, Infant, and Toddler Health: Perspectives from Louisiana, North Carolina, and Texas,” a report for American Heart Association’s Voices for Healthy Kids, released in June 2022.
NC Early Childhood Data Sources
2-page fact sheet with recommended sources for data on NC young children and families
Pathways Data Dashboard
The Pathways Data Dashboard includes North Carolina data on more than 60 measures of child development that research shows influence third-grade reading scores. Whenever possible, the dashboard presents data at the state level, compared to national averages; at the county or school district level; by race and ethnicity; by income; by age; and over several years
The Pathways Data Dashboard supports a statewide effort to improve the collection, analysis and use of early childhood data in NC for young children, birth to age eight. It can be used by state and local policymakers, government agencies, community service providers, child advocacy organizations, Smart Start partnerships, Campaign for Grade-Level Reading communities and others to make data-informed decisions about investments in early childhood and changes to policies and practices that affect young children and their families
Early Childhood Data Gaps Analysis – Health
The NC Early Childhood Data Advisory Council was formed to provide strategic direction and use its influence and decision-making authority to improve the quality and scope of early childhood data collection, and to support widespread analysis and use of early childhood data by policymakers and other decision-makers.
Governor’s Budget Overview for the 2019-21 Biennium
An overview of birth-through-eight provisions in Governor Cooper's 2019-21 budget proposal.
ISSUE BRIEF: Ensuring Good Health and On-Track Development for North Carolina Babies and Toddlers
This issue brief shares the results of a self-assessment of state-level policies around supporting babies' and toddlers' health and on-track development. Research demonstrates that when these policies are in place, babies and toddlers are more likely to thrive.
Public Health Leaders’ Conference Presentation
NCECF presented on the Pathways model at the 2019 Public Health Leaders' Conference in Raleigh.
Think Babies™ Fact Sheet: Accommodations for Pregnant Employees
Supporting pregnant women at work reduces infant mortality, improves maternal and infant health, and reduces doctor and hospital visits. When children have good health in utero and good birth outcomes, they are more likely to have good physical health and on-track development during childhood and throughout life.
Opportunity for All? North Carolina’s Babies and Toddlers of Color
During the first years of life, babies’ experiences are built into their bodies—shaping the brain’s architecture and building the foundation for future learning, behavior and health. Yet current and historic laws, policies and practices—both official and unofficial—have created and maintain widespread barriers to opportunity and success for babies and toddlers of color.
This brief disaggregates data on key NC Pathways to Grade-Level Reading shared measures of success to shine a light on the current disparities in outcomes—and opportunity—among groups of young children and their families.
Research Basis for Pathways Measures of Success Framework
This resource provides data definitions of the Measures of Success and shares the research for each measure, demonstrating the connections between the measures and third-grade reading proficiency. A list of sources is included for each group of measures.