
Imagining Equity

Imagining Equity is a series of four professional development modules for teachers of children ages 0-5. Utilizing children’s books with a focus on equity, facilitators, Dr. Gail Summer and Ms. La’Gentry Ross, lead teachers through a series of group discussions on common myths on race and how we can dispel those myths. They prepare educators to teach even very young children in a manner that rises above racism and promotes an atmosphere of equity and social justice.  The training also guides participants in talking openly about racism vs. equity, helping them feel comfortable in having these discussions with their own friends, family, colleagues, and the families of the children they serve.

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Fast Facts

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State or Local? Local
Lead Agency Catawba County Partnership for Children
Type of Agency


Racial Equity Lens
  • We promote policies and practices that are known to improve outcomes for children of color and seek the wisdom of people (co-creator and presenter) of color.
  • Intended outcomes are increased awareness of all children about differences and accepting differences, as well as increased comfort and willingness of teachers to choose diverse materials and use them to promote equity rather than using a “tourist approach” or checking a box. 
  • This initiative is new in the past year, but anecdotally we are hearing from teachers that children are choosing the new books in the classrooms and are enjoying them.
Next Steps
  • Kits of “diversity art materials” and manipulatives are being distributed to all centers in the county; our next goal is to engage the teachers who have NOT participated in the training in the actual training so they can better understand the significance of each item.
  • We are currently reaching out to Head Start staff, Family Child Care Homes, and other types of child care to engage more teachers in training.
Primary Partners
  • Children’s Resource Center (CCR&R)
  • Catawba County Partnership for Children
  • KidsREADyCatawba
  • NC PreKindergarten and Local Educational Authority contacts
  • Catawba County Parents As Teachers
Primary Funders
  • Children’s Resource Center
  • Catawba County Partnership for Children
  • Early Head Start
Contact Dr. Gail Summer

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