Add Your Work to the Pathways Action Map

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Reading well in the early grades is a strong predictor of children’s academic and career success. The NC Pathways to Grade-Level Reading Initiative (Pathways) believes that by working together to advance aligned birth-to-age-eight strategies, across sectors and systems, we can ensure every North Carolina child is on the path to success. 

What Is The
Pathways Action Map?

The Action Map is a tool that helps us work towards a shared vision:

All North Carolina children, regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, are reading on grade-level by the end of third grade, and all children with disabilities achieve expressive and receptive communication skills commensurate with their developmental ages, so that they have the greatest opportunity for life success. 

It does this by providing a snapshot of initiatives that are leading work in key policy and strategy areas or “actions” that can help us achieve this vision.These actions were prioritized by hundreds of NC stakeholders—including input from parents, providers, research, and cross sector early childhood leaders—using a whole child, approach to literacy, starting from birth. They represent the areas that Pathways partners said NC should work on first to move the needle on third grade reading proficiency. 

Pathways is committed to leading with racial equity. The Action Map calls attention to strategies that specifically work to improve outcomes for children of color, and gives special consideration to the wisdom and innovation of people of color.

Are you working to advance one or more of the actions in your community or at the state-level?

Review The Actions to See Where You Fit In

Explore the Pathways Action Map


Contribute to the 
Pathways Action Map

To develop this tool, we need your input!

Let us know about initiatives that are leading work to impact the actions in NC. Complete a short form linked below to share information about the initiative.

Add to the Map




Why include your work on the Action Map?

  • Highlight your work to policy makers, funders. advocates, and community leaders across the state and country
  • Help to identify gaps and areas of momentum to build on that promote grade-level reading in NC
  • Connect with other leaders who are working toward similar goals
  • Learn from others who are leading and growing in their use of a racial equity lens 


What are the goals of the Action Map?

  • Inform key stakeholders about where NC stands in the action areas
  • Drive policy making, funding, advocacy and local action where it’s most needed
  • Spotlight initiatives that center racial equity and community voice
  • Promote collaboration by engaging and connecting leaders across NC


Who will use the Action Map?

  • The primary audiences are stakeholders who are actively working to address early childhood systems change in NC including, but not limited to, policy makers, funders, advocates, family and community leaders
  • Anyone can also use the Map to learn more about what’s happening in NC and help drive action 

What is an initiative?

An initiative refers to any type of effort that actively addresses one or more of the actions. It may be a grassroots effort, policy initiative, parent-led group, privately- or publicly-funded program, community task force, state-level workgroup, nonprofit, etc. 

The Action Map will include initiatives that:

  • Are taking place in NC at the state or local level
  • Are actively working to address one or more action
  • Provide examples of impact or potential for future impact
  • Identify a primary contact who can provide information and future updates

The Action Map will not include everything that is happening in the action areas in NC. Over time, it aims to spotlight a variety of initiatives that are leading and innovating in each of the actions across the state. The Map also intends to feature initiatives that are centering racial equity and community voice, especially the voices of youth and families, providers, and other leaders of color.

Suggested initiatives will be reviewed to see how they match with the actions and criteria above. NCECF will not evaluate the effectiveness of the mapped initiatives. Users can reach out to initiative contacts to learn more.


Contact Us

Please contact NCECF with any questions or feedback.
Feel free to share any concerns or ideas for improvement using this form.