Many communities across North Carolina are working to tackle the challenges of child care. We all recognize the impact on working families and employers when child care is in limited supply. And we all know child care providers are struggling to keep their doors open. With inadequate funding at the state and federal level and some federal funding set to expire, there’s no doubt we are in a crisis. For some, this crisis hits harder than others, but we all know that our economy is linked to child care.
Unfortunately, a crisis is often needed to fuel innovative ideas and create new opportunities, and we know many of you are doing good work at the local level in communities to create them. You’re looking at new models for care, infusions of local dollars, conducting needs assessments and feasibility studies, exploring what parents and providers say they actually want and need, garnering support from employers, and more.
Creating an easy way to aggregate information about what is happening at the local level is an opportunity to share ideas and learn from each other.
So we did it!
We’ve created a Google sheet for you to share information about your community’s work on addressing the dearth of child care and help you connect. Take a few minutes to fill it in and bookmark it so you can check back and gain access to new information about what the local child care landscape is looking like, as work develops. Periodically, we will message everyone that has contributed as a reminder to see what’s new and update your information.
We’ve made it easy to bring together your community’s work and ideas so we can lift up the power of local action. Let’s bring those child care ideas and solutions together to learn from and support each other in solidarity and partnership.
Keep in Touch with NCECF and Support Our Work
We’d love to hear your ideas on how to continue to connect advocates, leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders working hard on solutions to support children, families, educators, and providers during the earliest years, for the success of all North Carolina children.
Please be sure to subscribe to our biweekly newsletter and consider making a donation today to continue a strong 2023 by helping us transform the lives of North Carolina families, from their earliest days, while also supporting a small growing, family-friendly team.
The NC Early Childhood Foundation is driven by a bold – and achievable – vision: Each North Carolina child has a strong foundation for life-long health, education, and well-being supported by a comprehensive, equitable birth-to-eight ecosystem. We build understanding, lead collaboration, and advance policies to ensure each North Carolina child is on track for lifelong success by the end of third grade.