Join a Powerful Two-Day Virtual Event for Child Advocates

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The North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation is excited to be a part of 2022 Kids: Empowered Communities Drive Change, a two-day virtual policy summit for child advocates, hosted by NC Child and the NC Essentials for Childhood Initiative. We’re sponsoring and attending! Join us on Zoom for the summit on March 29 and 30!

Who Should Attend: Anyone who advocates for children and their families in North Carolina! Advocates for early childhood, juvenile justice, education, health, immigration reform mental health, foster care, child abuse prevention, and more, are invited. 

2022 Kids will help you help us:

  • Learn from peers who are developing community-drive policy solutions,
  • Deepen awareness and work on centering racial equity, and
  • Connect and build power to advance racially equitably public policies. 

The event is free for anyone to attend, and sessions will be available in both English and Spanish. All stakeholders are encouraged to bring their perspectives to this conference of brainstorming, learning, planning, and networking, to build a more equitable North Carolina for every child. 

A mother plays with her child while reading at a table.

Community-led advocacy is a powerful tool for building sustainable, racially equitable, and bold public policies that can transform the lives of children and their families in North Carolina. Learn more and register online