Watch Starting at Zero Film for Free This Month

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Week of the Young Child (April 10-16) and emphasize the importance of early learning, the Saul Zaentz Charitable Foundation, Firestarter Interactive, The Hunt Institute, and Smart Start/NC Partnership for Children have partnered to make the new documentary film Starting At Zero: Reimagining Education in America available for anyone in NC to watch for free during the month of April.



Starting at Zero: Reimagining Education in America is a powerful new documentary by filmmaker Willa Kammerer on the value of high-quality early childhood education. The film features experts and policymakers from across the country—including our namesake, former NC Governor Jim Hunt—and highlights lessons to be learned from the state of Alabama’s First Class Pre-K Program. View a trailer and learn more about the film here.

Click here to access a link that can be used to watch the film at your convenience through April 30, 2021.