The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shared guidance for child care centers and schools for addressing various aspects of COVID-19.
- Main page for schools and child care centers:
- A decision-tree to help you decide when to close your child care center or school:
- FAQs for child care center and school administrators:
- Cleaning procedures for countering the virus:
- Checklists for teachers and parents for preparing:
- Talking with children about COVID-19: Also see our recent post sharing resources for talking with young children about the coronavirus.
NCDHHS also has a webpage to support child care centers and schools. It includes the CDC links and some other advice:
In addition, the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) just this morning shared this document: Resources for Early Childhood Policymakers on Preventing and Preparing for Novel Coronavirus, which shares resources and information from various national early childhood organizations and federal agencies.