Governor Cooper and Superintendents Across the State Celebrate Attendance Awareness Month

September is National Attendance Awareness Month, and we’re celebrating with
Governor Cooper and superintendents from school districts across North Carolina.
Governor Cooper has declared September Attendance Awareness Month for NC, and 60
superintendents (and counting) have committed “to focusing on reducing chronic
absenteeism to give all children an equitable opportunity to learn, grow and thrive
academically, emotional and socially.”

Dr. Patrick Miller, superintendent of Greene County Schools, has worked with NCECF to
engage all NC superintendents to take action on chronic absence. Miller was the 2018
Greene County Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year and this year, the NC School
Superintendents Association named him the A. Craig Phillips Superintendent of the Year.
As part of the toolkit NCECF created for Attendance Awareness Month 2019, a
proclamation was sent to all district superintendents to pledge action on chronic
absence. Check out the list of superintendents signing the proclamation. If your county is not
listed, please ask your superintendent to sign the proclamation and send it to

This story was updated on 9/13/2019.