Upcoming Fall Webinar Series on Family Economic Security

NC Child is presenting a three-part webinar series focusing on family economic security this fall. Each webinar will be about 30 minutes long and will provide an overview of what poverty currently looks like in North Carolina, present barriers facing families on the path to achieving economic mobility, and share what NC Child sees as solutions. Click here to register for one or all three webinars. NC Child will send an email with details once you register. 

Wednesday, September 11
12:00 – 12:30 PM
Family Economic Security in North Carolina: Basics and Overview
Research Director Whitney Tucker will share the latest data related on child poverty and overall family economic well-being in North Carolina.

Tuesday, October 15
12:00 – 12:30 PM
Barriers to Family Economic Mobility in North Carolina
This webinar will focus on the lack of economic mobility for many families in North Carolina. Whitney will bring the historical context into focus, and why place and race are integral to the conversation. 

Thursday, November 14
12:00 – 12:30 PM
Helping Families Gain Economic Security
This last webinar will focus on solutions. Whitney will focus on key policy drivers of mobility – racial desegregation, reducing the wealth gap, building social capital, high-quality schools, and two-parent households. 

Who should attend? Anyone interested in learning more about poverty and its impact on children in North Carolina. Organizations and volunteers interested in becoming more involved in policy advocacy to increase economic mobility opportunities for families are especially encouraged to participate.