Online Guide to Family Forward Workplaces

At the Family Forward NC Summit on April 1, NCECF released the online companion to the Guide to Family Forward Workplaces. The online guide provides tools for employers with practical tips for choosing and implementing 16 family-friendly practices such as predictable scheduling, accommodations for pregnant workers and paid parental leave. There’s also information on how to get started with surveys and planning tools as well as case studies of NC businesses that have implemented family friendly policies. Family friendly workplace policies help attract and retain talent and improve health and well-being for children across North Carolina.

At the Summit, more than 100 businesses and non-profit leaders explored ways to include family-friendly practices in their own workplaces and heard from keynote speaker Brigid Schulte, founding director of the Better Life Lab at the nonpartisan think tank New America, and business and community leaders such as Patrick Conway, president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina; Lisa May, executive vice president of human resources at RTI International; and Anita Brown-Graham, director of ncImpact.

Read more about Family Forward NC here.