BEST NC Releases 2019 Facts & Figures Guide, Includes Pathways Measures

Pathways Partner BEST NC released today the 2019 version of their Facts & Figures guide, which shares education data on measures from Pre-K through university. New early education measures added to the guide this year include a trend analysis of NC Pre-K slots and early childhood workforce wage data. The Facts & Figures guide uses the Pathways icon to indicate measures from the Pathways to Grade-Level Reading Measures of Success Framework.

The NC Pathways to Grade-Level Reading initiative brings together diverse early childhood partners to ask what would be possible if we adopted shared, whole child, birth-to-age-eight measures that put children on a pathway to grade-level reading, coordinated strategies to support children’s optimal development beginning at birth, and aligned policies and practices rooted in how children develop. Pathways is an initiative of NCECF in collaboration with NC Child, The North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc., and BEST NC.