Nearly 99 percent of North Carolina’s children do not receive services from home visiting programs. The North Carolina Landscape Study of Early Home Visiting Programs provides the first in-depth analysis of the field of maternal and child health home visiting in its current form in North Carolina. Despite the increased awareness of the health, family, and educational benefits as well as cost savings that result from broad scale-up of home visiting programs, the public health impact of home visiting has been limited due to fragmented prenatal and early childhood systems, disparate funding streams, and the need to better match families with programs.
Join us on November 15th at 3 PM for a webinar with Paul Lanier. Dr, Lanier, an author of the study, will share the report’s findings and recommendations. Register now!
Paul Lanier, MSW, Ph.D.
Dr. Lanier is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he teaches courses in social policy and program evaluation. Dr. Lanier received his doctoral degree from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. He was selected as a fellow with the national Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being, and was a NIMH T32 fellow at the Center for Mental Health Services Research. His current research focuses on developing, evaluating, and scaling-up evidence-based prevention programs in child welfare, mental health, and early childhood systems. His recent work has involved engaging and supporting low-income families with young children in evidence-based parenting interventions. He has conducted externally funded studies with models such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), the Triple P Positive Parenting Program, Circle of Parents, and several early home visiting models. In addition to his focus on intervention research, Dr. Lanier also uses linked, multi-sector administrative data for policy analysis of child welfare and child health systems. He is currently a board member of the North Carolina Infant Mental Health Association and the North Carolina Chapter of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.