
October is both National Principals Month and National Head Start Awareness Month. (Of course, we think principals and early learning educators should be celebrated every month!)

To celebrate, Head Start programs around the country are inviting principals to visit their programs. This is a great time for early learning and elementary school leaders to get to see each other’s work in action.

When was the last time that you visited a Head Start, child care, NC Pre-K or elementary school classroom? How could doing so help you better understand the opportunities to strengthen birth-through-eight alignment in your community? How could it help you achieve the commitments that you made at the regional meeting? Find out!

Read more about #LeadersinSchoolReadiness.

The Office of Head Start, U.S. Department of Education, National Association of Elementary School Principals, and National Head Start Association have created the #LeadersinSchoolReadiness campaign to leverage local school readiness efforts throughout October and the rest of the school year.