An anniversary event to celebrate ten years of spearheading collaboration to advance policies for children and families

Thank you to all who attended our celebration, click here to see some highlights!

– Saturday, November 4, 2023  –  Raleigh, NC –


Join us for an afternoon full of entertainment, food, and fun activities for the whole family!

Featuring special guests Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders of the NC Department of Commerce & Storyteller Linda Gorham

portrait of Linda Gorham Nationally known, award-winning speaker and storyteller, Linda Gorham inspires her audiences by using movement, humor, and sometimes zaniness as she tells imaginative folktales and personal tales updated with “sophisticated attitude.” Linda is a contributor to Telling Stories to Children, published by the National Storytelling Network, and co-author of Quality Angles, a book that explores excellence in the workplace. Her children’s CD, Common Sense and Uncommon Fun, has won four National Awards including Parents’ Choice. Get ready to move! Get ready to learn! Get ready for fun!

 Thank You to our Sponsors:

Promoter Sponsors

Spearheader Sponsors


Advancer Sponsors

Elinvar Leadership Solutions logo EdNC logo

Paradox Consulting Partners Logo

Performentor logo


Dr. Nina Smith, Dr. Marian F. Earls, Sherry Franklin, Harold Sellars, Peggy Wang, Dan Gerlach


Celebrate the last decade and help support the years to come: